Look at what we have made out of us.
Wars and behaviors; unjust.
Sympathy and empathy we’ve lost.
Humanity is now covered with blood of flaws.
We used to be enough,
Loving one another, bearing burdens,
Calling strangers brothers.
Now, we are lost.
No mercy, no pity, just clout and deceits.
Insensitive comments on wars.
It isn’t my nation, why should I be concerned.
We are raising flags and banners pretending to be one.’
The twitter hashtags; the depth of clouts.
Opinions and suggestions; closing of borders
Because of colors. We are at war.
Waging war of superiority on minorities.
Selfish for a space when you have 11 of it.
The blood of Libya, Ukraine and several others.
It is starting to call our names.
Not just countries, now us.
We no longer have brother keepers’
We are no longer our brothers’ keeper.
We no longer, we just no longer.
Humanity might need an awakening call.